The Truth about Rare Headdresses

The Real worth of Rare Headdresses

Yes, yes I know what you're thinking. But I just have to get this off my chest. Rare headdresses are barley worth what you think. I went around and asked many people, and did some research. But I am just shocked at what people had to say what they thought the value was. 
Before I tell you the truth of the value, you have to hear what other jammers said. 
I first asked an eagle WITH a rare headdress, so I knew that their answer was going to be interesting. 
They said in quote 'a party hat or witch hat'. Now I new for a FACT that a rare HD would never be that valuable. That's around the value of a NR head dress. Most people who have a rare headdress will be doing their best to boost the price. But saying they want a party hat for this excuse of a profitable item. Wants to make me slap them in the face. A rare headdress is the person at a party you don't want to hangout with. If a light orange fox hat and the (now brought back) legendary glove had a kid. This will the little reject baby they had. 
Every time I tell a person who has a rare headdress the real value they flip out at me. 
Alright, now the worth and freaking goodness was this difficult to decide... 

And surprise! Rare Head Dresses are not worth much! 
They are worth: a black or white bow + a good worn (or maybe a good NM sword)

But who in their right mind would accept that trade? People who are not oblivious those people! 
What other people who think rare HDs are worth more: 
Rare skinny lamp
Pink purse 
Or any other beta/rare out of its league. 

What do you think rare Headdresses are worth? Say in the comments ^-^

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